In 2017, Sreyly was riding alongside her pregnant mother on a motorbike when a car suddenly slammed into them. At only six years old, Sreyly lost her mother, unborn sibling, and lower right leg all at once.
This devastating incident is hard enough to imagine as an adult - but for a child, it is unfathomable. Yet, only ten months later, Sreyly was up and running during her first fitting for her new Joshi modular prosthetic limb. She was joyous, thankful, giggly, and ready to take on the entire world.
Sreyly has continued to amaze everyone with her physical and emotional progress. To say Sreyly is resilient is an understatement; in the face of tragedy, her Joshi has helped her move forward in every way.
With your help, we've kept Sreyly moving with access to free prosthetic limb care. Sreyly travels three hours in a taxi with her Grandma to visit our program with Exceed in Cambodia, the closest to their home. This is the reality many families in emerging countries face - access to high-quality care is limited and unaffordable for most.
Now in middle school, Sreyly dreams of becoming a doctor. She bikes 30 minutes each way to school to receive an education.
School starts at 7:00 am, but Sreyly often finds herself leaving her house at 6:40 am which means she needs to ride even faster, which is hardly a problem for someone with as much energy as Sreyly!
When not in school, you can find Sreyly playing volleyball with her 20 friends (and counting). On behalf of Sreyly and her family, thank you.
CoolKid since 2017.
Sreyly receives free mobility care at our program with Exceed in Cambodia.