When you meet Sopriya, the first thing you’ll notice is that she never stops smiling — literally. But there was a time when Sopriya’s family feared she would never smile again.
When she was just five years old, Sopriya lost her leg in a traffic accident. Her family was unable to afford a single prosthetic limb, let alone the follow up care that she would need as she grew. In the face of all this hardship, it would be months before Sopriya smiled again.
When we first met Sopriya and her family, Sopriya's mother recalled, "She wake up from the bed, ask me ‘Where is my leg, mom?’ I have nothing to reply to her, if it was possible I would give my left leg to her. She asked me that she wanted to walk and play with her little sister. But I cannot help her.”
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we were able to help Sopriya and her family that same year, providing Sopriya with her first prosthetic limb and committing to covering her care as she grew.
And, together, we have continued to provide Sopriya with the care she needs to maintain her mobility for over a decade.
Today, Sopriya has graduated from high school and is studying International Management at a university in Thailand, where her classes are all in English. She has regained her confidence, the ability to determine her own future, and the smile she is known for.
The embodiment of resilience and determination, Sopriya dreams of opening a business in Cambodia after graduating. We have no doubt she will. We are so proud of Sopriya and grateful to all of you who have supported her journey, keeping her moving forward toward her dreams.
On behalf of Sopryia and her family, thank you.
CoolKid since 2011.
Sopriya receives free mobility care at our program with Exceed in Cambodia.