Naufal, the eldest child of his family and son of hardworking factory employees, was born with a bilateral congenital limb difference. The financial strain of buying a single prosthetic limb, let alone two, was too heavy a financial burden for Naufal’s family, making his only form of limited mobility walking painfully on his knees.
In 2016, a life-changing moment arrived when Naufal’s parents discovered our program in Indonesia. At four years old, Naufal was fitted with his first prosthetic limbs.
Naufal gained the mobility he needed to move independently, and so much more than that. Naufal gained the ability to play with friends, walk to school, and to dream fully of the future he, and every child, deserves. Since then, we’ve provided Naufal with the continued care he needs to keep moving.
One of our most active and vibrant CoolKids, Naufal is always on the go and routinely visits with our program for check-ins to ensure he maintains a healthy mobility, receiving new sockets, feet, and prosthetic limbs as he grows.
Luckily, in 2017, ALTSO created the Joshi, a thoughtfully designed, lightweight aluminum modular prosthetic lower limb system – a prosthetic limb that can keep up with CoolKids like Naufal – and Naufal has been using his Joshi ever since. The Joshi’s sleek yet robust design emperors Naufal to do everything from playing with his friends to walking to school, all while pursuing his dream of becoming a professional athlete.
Thanks to his resilience, and your generous support of his journey, Naufal is on his way to achieving his dreams. He is an active archery athlete with the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) in his city, proudly holding the title of the youngest archer on the team.
Recently, Naufal clinched victory in a local archery championship! Naufal’s future is brimming with the possibilities mobility brings, and we recommend you remember his name because he may just be coming to an Olympic city near you one day.
On behalf of Naufal and his family, thank you.
CoolKid since 2016.
Naufal receives free mobility care at our program with Yakkum in Indonesia.