Awatt lives in rural Cambodia, an area with unpaved roads and little infrastructure. At just five years old, Awatt was crossing the road in front of his home to buy a pack of cookies when he became the victim of a hit and run. Awatt survived, but the accident led to the amputation of his leg.

Awatt’s family was unable to afford a single prosthetic limb, let alone the follow up care that he would need as he grew. Thankfully, a year later, we provided Awatt his first prosthetic limb and committed to covering his care as he grows.

Awatt’s regained mobility opened up a world of opportunities: Awatt would now be enrolling in Kindergarten in the upcoming school year. Awatt’s mother was overjoyed that her son, despite their hardships, had a bright future; without treatment, Awatt would not have been able to leave the house.


Together, we’ve kept Awatt moving for over a decade with access to the continuous care needed to maintain his mobility. As quickly as a kid outgrows a pair of shoes, our CoolKids outgrow their mobility aids. Growth spurts can make our CoolKids' prosthetic limbs uncomfortable, too short or tight, making walking painful. Imagine wearing shoes that pinch or a pair of pants that are too tight—an ill-fitting prosthetic feels just as uncomfortable. 

Now, Awatt is your typical kid. His dreams include becoming a doctor and flying like Spider-Man. His favorite part of school? Hanging out with his friends.

Mobility opens doors to a brighter future, but it also grants the simple joys every child deserves—the ability to go to school (even if they'd rather be playing with their friends instead of studying for a math test).

On behalf of Awatt and his family, thank you.

CoolKid since 2016

Awatt receives free mobility care at our program with Exceed in Cambodia.

100% of the children we serve will need continued treatment. A growing child needs care, on average, every six months. Join The CoolKids Club with a monthly donation to keep our CoolKids moving — Growing Up ALTSO is mobility for the future. View more CoolKid stories here.

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