2017 Rock Recap.

ALTSO’s 14th Annual Hedge Fund Rocktoberfest experienced a record-breaking night at its second year at the historic Hard Rock Cafe, in the heart of Times Square! The event welcomed over 1,400 attendees and raised more than $740,000, the most raised at a single event in Rocktoberfest history!


Guests rocked out in NYC to seven mainstage acts: ALTSO All Stars (featuring Chicago Co-Chair Ray McKenzie), High Octane Alpha (new to ALTSO’s Main Stage), JAM Partners (historic Rocktoberfest band!), The Autopilots (returning for their second Main Stage performance), Six Floors Under (this year’s record-breaking band consisting of employees from Société Générale, traveling all the way from Paris), The Cause (historic Rocktoberfest band featuring special guest Ron Insana), and The Warriors From Mars (led by performers from BlackRock and Greenlight Capital).


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Guests were also able to enjoy a more relaxed vibe in the acoustic room, which featured performances by Acoustic Karma, Matt Scharpf (historic Rocktoberfest-Chicago performer), The Rolling Globes, The Singing CPA, Mo Beta’ Blues Band, New York Rock Exchange, Dimmerswitch (new to Rocktoberfest, and a lead sponsor), and Chris Caruso (of The Cause). A special thanks goes to our exclusive beverage sponsors: Beam Suntory who featured Maker’s Mark Whiskey, Hornitos Tequila, Effen Vodka, and Cruzan Rum, along with AB InBev who provided Stella Artois, Bluepoint Toaster Lager, and Budweiser beers. A very special shout out to  FIRST Global Events Agency for assisting in production of the event and GQR Global Markets whose employees led our amazing volunteer team!




Meanwhile three weeks earlier in Chicago, ALTSO’s 6th Annual Rocktoberfest-Chicago was a record-breaking event and a perfect kickoff to the Rocktoberfest season! Led by committee co-chairs, Ray McKenzie (Apple Inc.) and Chuck Mackie (Maven Wave Partners), the event welcomed over 500 attendees at City Winery Chicago and raised a record of nearly $150,000! Guests enjoyed a night of rock and roll from five returning, historic Rocktoberfest musical acts, Chicago Rock Exchange, The Operators, The Wrong Boys, The Simpletones, and Matt Scharpf, while welcoming first-time Rocktoberfest band, High Octane Alpha (comprised of PAAMCO employees).



2017 Rocktoberfest Sponsors

ALTSO’s signature Hedge Fund Rocktoberfest and Rocktoberfest-Chicago unite more than 2,000 leaders from the hedge fund and finance industries for a night of rock & roll and acoustic music performed by industry professionals – to help treat more of ALTSO’s children. Both events have been instrumental in enabling ALTSO to provide treatment to more than 16,500+ children around the world.


Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin Sponsors


Grateful Dead and Jimi Hendrix Sponsors

media sponsors

merchandise sponsors NYC

merchandise sponsors Chicago

beverage sponsors

special thanks


Rocktoberfest Photo Credits: Marcy Cohen,  Christina Lawrence, A.J. Warco