ALTSO All Stars aka Chicago Rock Exchange have been performing at ALTSO events and in the Chicago area since 2008. The All Stars are dedicated to helping support the CoolKids as much as possible. In addition to performing at Rocktoberfest, they also have recorded a number of songs and videos for the ALTSO Music Label and will continue to do the same for the years to come.
Featuring: Amelie Gerbet, Drums and Vocals; Eli Karali, Bass, Dirty Uke, Vocals; Izzy Borg, Vocals; Jen Justice, Vocals; Steve Staszak, Vocals; Dean Cassara, Percussion; Ray McKenzie, Guitar and Vocals; Dan Alfrey, Keyboard and Vocals.
Support the ALTSO All Stars as they compete to help the most CoolKids. Rocktoberfest-Chicago tickets, donations, and sponsors help provide free mobility aids to kids in emerging countries. Mobility provides the tools needed to break the poverty cycle: independence, education, community, and future gainful employment. #RockForGood